06 December, 2008

More about Wikis - Thing 16

I've been using wikis for a little while now but haven't really done anything innovative with them. Reading some of the resources linked from this page has inspired me to think about creating a collaborative subject guide for researchers, in the form of a wiki. I'll keep thinking...

...it's not been fun having this flu but it's given me the time to think a bit more about what I could be doing with some of the 23 things. But now, I need to go and lie down!

Pondering Library 2.0 - Thing 15

The five perspectives on Library 2.0 were thought-provoking. As a follow on from Web 2.0, we've been talking Library 2.0 for the last year or two, and gradually making changes both in the services we provide to our clients, as well as in the way that we provide them. It's true it's hard to bypass some of those icebergs that keep popping ahead. We need to keep thinking big picture and try and m-e-l-t our support and services into the world of our clients, rather than crash into them. The roux method if you like!

Doing more with Del.icio.us - Thing 13

It was one year ago when Kate Sinclair did the introductory Web 2.0 sessions for staff, that I first set up my del.icio.us account, and have been adding to it since. It was nevertheless useful to revisit the basics by listening to the Otter Group podcast and think a bit more about bundling and setting up subs for tags of interest. And it's going to be particularly useful to set up in my Research blog.